Amazon Backup pricing

With Amazon Backup, you pay only for the amount of backup storage you use and the amount of backup data you restore in the month. There is no minimum fee and there are no set-up charges.

Amazon Backup storage

Amazon Backup storage pricing is based on the amount of storage space your backup data consumes. For the first backup of an Amazon Web Services resource, a full copy of your data is saved. For each incremental backup, only the changed part of your Amazon Web Services resource is saved.*

Product Pricing Glossary

GB-Hours: Measure of the average gigabytes of backup storage used in an hour

GB-Month: Measure of the average gigabytes of backup storage used in a month

Backup Storage Pricing

Amazon Backup storage pricing is based on the amount of storage space your backup data consumes. The storage amount billed in a month is based on the average storage space used throughout the month (billed as GB-Month).

China (Beijing) Region 

Resource Type Warm Storage Cold Storage^^
Amazon EFS File System Backup ¥0.348 per GB-Month ¥0.07 per GB-Month
Amazon EBS File System Backup ¥0.311 per GB-Month ¥ 0.0778 per GB-Month 
Amazon RDS Database Snapshot ¥0.580 per GB-Month n/a†
Amazon DynamoDB Table Backup ¥0.880 per GB-Month ¥0.29per GB-Month††
Amazon Storage Gateway Volume Backup ¥0.200 per GB-Month n/a†
Amazon FSx File System Backup ¥0.315 per GB-Month n/a†
Amazon S3 Backup*** ¥0.438 per GB-Month n/a†
Amazon DocumentDB Cluster Snapshot ¥0.180 per GB-month n/a†
Amazon Neptune Cluster Snapshot ¥0.180 per GB-month n/a†
Amazon Redshift Table Backup    
First 50TB ¥ 0.195 per GB-Month n/a†
Next 450TB ¥ 0.191 per GB-Month n/a†
Over 500 TB ¥ 0.181 per GB-Month n/a†

China (Ningxia) Region 

Resource Type Warm Storage Cold Storage^^
Amazon EFS File System Backup ¥0.348 per GB-Month ¥0.07 per GB-Month
Amazon EBS File System Backup ¥0.277 per GB-Month ¥ 0.0692 per GB-Month
Amazon RDS Database Snapshot ¥0.516 per GB-Month n/a†
Amazon DynamoDB Table Backup ¥0.880 per GB-Month ¥0.29 per GB-Month††
Amazon Storage Gateway Volume Backup ¥0.200 per GB-Month n/a†
Amazon FSx File System Backup ¥0.279 per GB-Month n/a†
Amazon S3 Backup*** ¥0.438 per GB-Month n/a†
Amazon DocumentDB Cluster Snapshot ¥0.157 per GB-month n/a†
Amazon Neptune Cluster Snapshot ¥0.157 per GB-month n/a†
Amazon Redshift Table Backup    
First 50TB ¥ 0.1755 per GB-Month n/a†
Next 450TB ¥ 0.1719 per GB-Month n/a†
Over 500 TB ¥ 0.1629 per GB-Month n/a†

Restore Pricing

The restore amount billed in a month is based on the amount of data restored for the month. The data restored in a month is measured in GB and represents the sum of the data across all the restores performed in the month.

China (Beijing) Region

Resource Type Warm Storage Cold Storage Item-level Restore
Amazon EFS File System Backup ¥0.139 per GB ¥0.209 per GB ¥3.482 per request
Amazon EBS Volume Snapshot Free ¥ 0.1866 per GB n/a*
Amazon RDS Database Snapshot Free n/a† n/a*
Amazon DynamoDB Table Backup ¥1.320 per GB ¥1.760 per GB†† n/a*
Amazon Storage Gateway Volume Backup Free n/a† n/a*
Amazon FSx File System Backup Free n/a† n/a*
Amazon S3 Backup ¥0.1752 per GB n/a† n/a**
Amazon DocumentDB Cluster Snapshot Free n/a† n/a*
Amazon Neptune Cluster Snapshot Free n/a† n/a*
Amazon Redshift Table Backup Free n/a† n/a*

China (Ningxia) Region

Resource Type Warm Storage Cold Storage Item-level Restore
Amazon EFS File System Backup ¥0.139 per GB ¥0.209 per GB ¥3.482 per request
Amazon EBS Volume Snapshot Free ¥0.1661 per GB n/a*
Amazon RDS Database Snapshot Free n/a† n/a*
Amazon DynamoDB Table Backup ¥1.320 per GB ¥1.760 per GB†† n/a*
Amazon Storage Gateway Volume Backup Free n/a† n/a*
Amazon FSx File System Backup Free n/a† n/a*
Amazon S3 Backup ¥0.1752 per GB n/a† n/a**
Amazon DocumentDB Cluster Snapshot Free n/a† n/a*
Amazon Neptune Cluster Snapshot Free n/a† n/a*
Amazon Redshift Table Backup Free n/a† n/a*

† Cold storage is currently supported for backups of EFS file systems, Aamzon DynamoDB and EBS Volume Snapshots.  Cold storage backups for EFS are full backups. Cold storage backups for EBS Volume Snapshots transition backups the EBS Snapshots Archive Tier. 

†† Cold storage backup and restore for DynamoDB is only available when you opt-in to advanced features for DynamoDB.

*** For S3 objects smaller than 128 KB, the backups would be priced as a 128-KB backup. In addition to the per GB-month charge for S3 backup, you will be charged for GET requests on your S3 objects.

^^Backups that are transitioned to Cold Storage have a minimum 90 days of storage, and backups deleted before 90 days incur a pro-rated charge equal to the storage charge for the remaining days.

* Item-level restore is not currently available.

** You can restore individual S3 objects if you know the S3 URI.

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Cross-region data transfer pricing

Cross-region data transfer of EFS file systems and DynamoDB tables between Beijing region and Ningxia region will be priced at ¥ 0.731 per GB.

Cross-region data transfer of Amazon EBS, Amazon FSx, Amazon Storage Gateway, Amazon Aurora, Amazon RDS, and Amazon S3 Backup between Beijing region and Ningxia region will be priced at ¥ 0.6003 per GB.

Pricing examples

The storage amount billed in a month is based on the average storage space used throughout the month. Your storage usage is measured in GB-Month, which are added up at the end of the month to generate your monthly charges.

The restore amount billed in a month is based on the amount of data restored for the month. The data restored in a month is measured in GB, and represents the sum of the data across all the restores performed in the month.

Example 1:

Assume your Amazon EFS backups are stored in the China (Beijing) Region. You use 400 GB of Amazon EFS backup storage during 15 days in April and 800 GB for the other 15 days in April. At the end of April, you would have the following backup storage usage, in GB-Days:

Total usage (GB-Days) = [400 GB x 15 days] + [800 GB x 15 days] = 18,000 GB-Days

We add up GB-Days and convert to GB-Month by diving by 30:

Total GB-Month = 18,000 GB-Days/30 = 600 GB-Month

Total Monthly Storage Charge = 600 GB-Month x ¥0.348 = ¥208.8

Let’s also assume that you restored 10 backups that were 1GB each. At the end of April, you would have the following backup restore usage, in GB:

Total usage 10 restores x 1 GB = 10 GB

Total Monthly Restore Charge = 10 GB x ¥0.139 = ¥1.39

Adding both your backup storage and backup restore charges together gives you your total monthly Amazon Backup bill:

Total Monthly Amazon Backup Bill = ¥208.8 + ¥1.39 = ¥210.19

*This applies to all backup storage except for on-demand DynamoDB table backups and Amazon Aurora cluster backups, which create full backups.

Example 2: Amazon Backup for S3

Assume you have 500 TB of Amazon S3 data stored in the China (Ningxia) Region. Let us also assume that your S3 buckets has 100 million objects of 5 MB each. You want to create a backup copy of the S3 bucket using Amazon Backup. Your monthly TCO will be calculated as follows:

Total monthly storage charge ¥0.438 per GB-Month = 500,000 x ¥0.438 = ¥219,000.

S3 GET APIs charges ¥0.0135 per 10,000 requests. Assuming 8 GET APIs per new object, total GET API charges = (¥0.0135/10,000)*8*100 million = ¥1080. 

S3 LIST API charges ¥0.00405 per 1,000 requests. Assuming 1 List per 500 object, max possible LIST API charges = (¥0.00405/1,000)*(100 million/500) = ¥0.81. 

Assuming 20 million EventBridge events across all objects in the 500 TB bucket for the initial backup. EventBridge matched events charge ¥6.75 per 1 million events. Maximum possible EventBridge charge on your S3 bucket = (¥6.75/1 million) x 20 million = ¥135

Total monthly TCO for your first full backup = ¥219,000 + ¥1080 + ¥0.81 + ¥135 = ¥220,215.81

Let us also assume that you decide to restore 2.5 TB of your backups.

Total charge of restore = 2,500 x ¥0.1752 = ¥438

S3 PUT API charges ¥0.00405 per 1,000 requests. Assuming 1 Put per object, max possible PUT API charges = (¥0.00405/1,000)*5 million = ¥20.25.

Your total TCO = ¥220,215.81+ ¥438 + ¥20.25 = ¥220,674.06

Your monthly bill for Amazon Backup = ¥219,000 (backup storage in Ningxia region) + ¥438 (restore) = ¥219,438

Your monthly bill for Amazon S3 = ¥1101.06 (GET requests = ¥1080, LIST requests = ¥0.81, PUT requests = ¥20.25)

Your monthly bill for Amazon EventBridge = ¥135

Please note that there will be additional charges for S3 Versioning. Incremental backups will incur additional charges for storage as well as for S3 GET/LIST requests and Eventbridge.

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