Discover the benefits of Amazon Web Services WAF advanced rate-based rules

by Rodrigo Ferroni and Maksim Akifev | on

In 2017, Amazon Web Services announced the release of Rate-based Rules for Amazon Web Services WAF , a new rule type that helps protect websites and APIs from application-level threats such as distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, brute force log-in attempts, and bad bots. Rate-based rules track the rate of requests for each originating IP address and invokes a rule action on IPs with rates that exceed a set limit.

While rate-based rules are useful to detect and mitigate a broad variety of bad actors, threats have evolved to bypass request-rate limit rules. For example, one bypass technique is to send a high volumes of requests by spreading them across thousands of unique IP addresses.

In May 2023, Amazon Web Services announced Amazon Web Services WAF enhancements to the existing rate-based rules feature that you can use to create more dynamic and intelligent rules by using additional HTTP request attributes for request rate limiting. For example, you can now choose from the following predefined keys to configure your rules: label namespace, header, cookie, query parameter, query string, HTTP method, URI path and source IP Address or IP Address in a header. Additionally, you can combine up to five composite keys as parameters for stronger rule development. These rule definition enhancements help improve perimeter security measures against sophisticated application-layer DDoS attacks using Amazon Web Services WAF. For more information about the supported request attributes, see Rate-based rule statement in the Amazon Web Services WAF Developer Guide.

In this blog post, you will learn more about these new Amazon Web Services WAF feature enhancements and how you can use alternative request attributes to create more robust and granular sets of rules. In addition, you’ll learn how to combine keys to create a composite aggregation key to uniquely identify a specific combination of elements to improve rate tracking.

Getting started

Configuring advanced rate-based rules is similar to configuring simple rate-based rules. The process starts with creating a new custom rule of type rate-based rule, entering the rate limit value, selecting custom keys, choosing the key from the request aggregation key dropdown menu, and adding additional composite keys by choosing Add a request aggregation key as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Creating an advanced rate-based rule with two aggregation keys

Figure 1: Creating an advanced rate-based rule with two aggregation keys

For existing rules, you can update those rate-based rules to use the new functionality by editing them. For example, you can add a header to be aggregated with the source IP address, as shown in Figure 2. Note that previously created rules will not be modified.

Figure 2: Add a second key to an existing rate-based rule

Figure 2: Add a second key to an existing rate-based rule

You still can set the same rule action, such as block, count, captcha, or challenge. Optionally, you can continue applying a scope-down statement to limit rule action. For example, you can limit the scope to a certain application path or requests with a specified header. You can scope down the inspection criteria so that only certain requests are counted towards rate limiting, and use certain keys to aggregate those requests together. A technique would be to count only requests that have /api at the start of the URI, and aggregate them based on their SessionId cookie value.

Target use cases

Now that you’re familiar with the foundations of advanced rate-based rules, let’s explore how they can improve your security posture using the following use cases:

  • Enhanced Application (Layer 7) DDoS protection
  • Improved API security
  • Enriched request throttling

Use case 1: Enhance Layer 7 DDoS mitigation

The first use case that you might find beneficial is to enhance Layer 7 DDoS mitigation. An HTTP request flood is the most common vector of DDoS attacks. This attack type aims to affect application availability by exhausting available resources to run the application.

Before the release of these enhancements to Amazon Web Services WAF rules, rules were limited by aggregating requests based on the IP address from the request origin or configured to use a forwarded IP address in an HTTP header such as X-Forwarded-For . Now you can create a more robust rate-based rule to help protect your web application from DDoS attacks by tracking requests based on a different key or a combination of keys. Let’s examine some examples.

To help detect pervasive bots, such as scrapers, scanners, and crawlers, or common bots that are distributed across many unique IP addresses, a rule can look for static request data like a custom header — for example, User-Agent.

Key 1: Custom header (User-Agent)

  "Name": "test-rbr",
  "Priority": 0,
  "Statement": {
    "RateBasedStatement": {
      "Limit": 2000,
      "AggregateKeyType": "CUSTOM_KEYS",
      "CustomKeys": [
          "Header": {
            "Name": "User-Agent",
            "TextTransformations": [
                "Priority": 0,
                "Type": "NONE"
  "Action": {
    "Block": {}
  "VisibilityConfig": {
    "SampledRequestsEnabled": true,
    "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true,
    "MetricName": "test-rbr"

To help you decide what unique key to use, you can analyze Amazon Web Services WAF logs. For more information, review Examples 2 and 3 in the blog post Analyzing Amazon Web Services WAF Logs in Amazon CloudWatch Logs .

To uniquely identity users behind a NAT gateway, you can use a cookie in addition to an IP address. Before the aggregation keys feature, it was difficult to identify users who connected from a single IP address. Now, you can use the session cookie to aggregate requests by their session identifier and IP address.

Note that for Layer 7 DDoS mitigation, tracking by session ID in cookies can be circumvented, because bots might send random values or not send any cookie at all. It’s a good idea to keep an IP-based blanket rate-limiting rule to block offending IP addresses that reach a certain high rate, regardless of their request attributes. In that case, the keys would look like:

  • Key 1: Session cookie
  • Key 2: IP address

You can reduce false positives when using Amazon Web Services Managed Rules (AMR) IP reputation lists by rate limiting based on their label namespace . Labelling functionality is a powerful feature that allows you to map the requests that match a specific pattern and apply custom rules to them. In this case, you can match the label namespace provided by the AMR IP reputation list that includes Amazon Web ServicesManagedIPDDoSList , which is a list of IP addresses that have been identified as actively engaging in DDoS activities.

You might want to be cautious about using this group list in block mode, because there’s a chance of blocking legitimate users. To mitigate this, use the list in count mode and create an advanced rate-based rule to aggregate all requests with the label namespace awswaf:managed:aws:amazon-ip-list: , targeting captcha as the rule action. This lets you reduce false positives without compromising security. Applying captcha as an action for the rule reduces serving captcha to all users and instead only applies it when the rate of requests exceeds the defined limit. The key for this rule would be:

  • Labels (AMR IP reputation lists).

Use case 2: API security

In this second use case, you learn how to use an advanced rate-based rule to improve the security of an API. Protecting an API with rate-limiting rules helps ensure that requests aren’t being sent too frequently in a short amount of time. Reducing the risk from misusing an API helps to ensure that only legitimate requests are handled and not denied due to an overload of requests.

Now, you can create advanced rate-based rules that track API requests based on two aggregation keys. For example, HTTP method to differentiate between GET, POST, and other requests in combination with a custom header like Authorization to match a JSON Web Token (JWT). JWTs are not decrypted by Amazon Web Services WAF, and Amazon Web Services WAF only aggregates requests with the same token. This can help to ensure that a token is not being used maliciously or to bypass rate-limiting rules. An additional benefit of this configuration is that requests with no authorization headers are being aggregated together towards the rate limiting threshold. The keys for this use case are:

  • Key 1: HTTP method
  • Key 2: Custom header (Authorization)

In addition, you can configure a rule to block and add a custom response when the requests limit is reached. For example, by returning HTTP error code 429 (too many requests) with a Retry-After header indicating the requester should wait 900 seconds (15 minutes) before making a new request.

  "Name": "test-rbr",
  "Priority": 0,
  "Statement": {
    "RateBasedStatement": {
      "Limit": 600,
      "AggregateKeyType": "CUSTOM_KEYS",
      "CustomKeys": [
          "HTTPMethod": {}
          "Header": {
            "Name": "Authorization",
            "TextTransformations": [
                "Priority": 0,
                "Type": "NONE"
  "Action": {
    "Block": {
      "CustomResponse": {
        "ResponseCode": 429,
        "ResponseHeaders": [
            "Name": "Retry-After",
            "Value": "900"
  "VisibilityConfig": {
    "SampledRequestsEnabled": true,
    "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true,
    "MetricName": "test-rbr"

Use case 3: Implement request throttling

There are many situations where throttling should be considered. For example, if you want to maintain the performance of a service API by providing fair usage for all users, you can have different rate limits based on the type or purpose of the API, such as mutable or non-mutable requests. To achieve this, you can create two advanced rate-based rules using aggregation keys like IP address, combined with an HTTP request parameter for either mutable or non-mutable that indicates the type of request. Each rule will have its own HTTP request parameter, and you can set different maximum values for the rate limit. The keys for this use case are:

  • Key 1: HTTP request parameter
  • Key 2: IP address

Another example where throttling can be helpful is for a multi-tenant application where you want to track requests made by each tenant’s users. Let’s say you have a free tier but also a paying subscription model for which you want to allow a higher request rate. For this use case, it’s recommended to use two different URI paths to verify that the two tenants are kept separated. Additionally, it is advised to still use a custom header or query string parameter to differentiate between the two tenants, such as a tenant-id header or parameter that contains a unique identifier for each tenant. To implement this type of throttling using advanced rate-based rules, you can create two rules using an IP address in combination with the custom header as aggregation keys. Each rule can have its own maximum value for rate limiting, as well as a scope-down statement that matches requests for each URI path. The keys and scope-down statement for this use case are:

  • Key 1: Custom header (tenant-id)
  • Key 2: IP address
  • Scope down statement (URI path)

As a third example, you can rate-limit web applications based on the total number of requests that can be handled. For this use case, you can use the new Count all as aggregation option. The option counts and rate-limits the requests that match the rule’s scope-down statement, which is required for this type of aggregation. One option is to scope down and inspect the URI path to target a specific functionality like a /history-search page. An option when you need to control how many requests go to a specific domain is to scope down a single header to a specific host, creating one rule for and another rule for .

  • Request Aggregation: Count all
  • Scope down statement (URI path | Single header)

For these examples, you can block with a custom response when the requests exceed the limit. For example, by returning the same HTTP error code and header, but adding a custom response body with a message like “ You have reached the maximum number of requests allowed.”


The Amazon Web Services WAF logs now include additional information about request keys used for request-rate tracking and the values of matched request keys. In addition to the existing IP or Forwarded_IP values, you can see the updated log fields limitKey and customValue , where the limitKey field now shows either CustomKeys for custom aggregate key settings or Constant for count all requests. CustomValues shows an array of keys, names, and values.

Figure 3: Example log output for the advanced rate-based rule showing updated limitKey and customValues fields

Figure 3: Example log output for the advanced rate-based rule showing updated limitKey and customValues fields

As mentioned in the first use case, to get more detailed information about the traffic that’s analyzed by the web ACL, consider enabling logging . If you choose to enable Amazon CloudWatch Logs as the log destination, you can use CloudWatch Logs Insights and advanced queries to interactively search and analyze logs.

For example, you can use the following query to get the request information that matches rate-based rules, including the updated keys and values, directly from the Amazon Web Services WAF console.

| fields terminatingRuleId as RuleName
| filter terminatingRuleType ="RATE_BASED" 
| parse @message ',"customValues":[*],' as customKeys
| limit 100

Figure 4 shows the CloudWatch Log Insights query and the logs output including custom keys, names, and values fields.

Figure 4: The CloudWatch Log Insights query and the logs output

Figure 4: The CloudWatch Log Insights query and the logs output


There is no additional cost for using advanced rate-base rules; standard Amazon Web Services WAF pricing applies when you use this feature. For Amazon Web Services WAF pricing information, see Amazon Web Services WAF Pricing . You only need to be aware that using aggregation keys will increase Amazon Web Services WAF web ACL capacity units (WCU) usage for the rule. WCU usage is calculated based on how many keys you want to use for rate limiting. The current model of 2 WCUs plus any additional WCUs for a nested statement is being updated to 2 WCUs as a base, and 30 WCUs for each custom aggregation key that you specify. For example, if you want to create aggregation keys with an IP address in combination with a session cookie, this will use 62 WCUs, and aggregation keys with an IP address, session cookie, and customer header will use 92 WCUs. For more details about the WCU-based cost structure, visit Rate-based rule statement in the Amazon Web Services WAF Developer Guide.


In this blog post, you learned about Amazon Web Services WAF enhancements to existing rate-based rules that now support request parameters in addition to IP addresses. Additionally, these enhancements allow you to create composite keys based on up to five request parameters. This new capability allows you to be either more coarse in aggregating requests (such as all the requests that have an IP reputation label associated with them ) or finer (such as aggregate requests for a specific session ID, not its IP address ).

For more rule examples that include JSON rule configuration, visit Rate-based rule examples in the Amazon Web Services WAF Developer Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact Amazon Web Services Support .

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Rodrigo Ferroni

Rodrigo is a senior Security Specialist at Amazon Web Services Enterprise Support. He is certified in CISSP, an Amazon Web Services Security Specialist, and an Amazon Web Services Solutions Architect Associate. He enjoys helping customers continue adopting Amazon Web Services security services to improve their security posture in the cloud. Outside of work, he loves to travel as much as he can. In winter, he enjoys snowboarding with his friends.

Maksim Akifev

Maksim Akifev

Maksim is a Senior Product Manager at Amazon Web Services WAF, partnering with businesses ranging from startups to enterprises to enhance their web application security. Maksim prioritizes quality, security, and user experience. He’s enthusiastic about innovative technology that expedites digital growth for businesses.