Services or capabilities described in this page might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China Regions. Only “Region Availability” and “Feature Availability and Implementation Differences” sections for specific services (in each case exclusive of content referenced via hyperlink) in Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China Regions form part of the Documentation under the agreement between you and Sinnet or NWCD governing your use of services of Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region or Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region (the “Agreement”). Any other content contained in the Getting Started pages does not form any part of the Agreement.
Amazon CloudFormation Documentation
Amazon CloudFormation gives you a way to model a collection of related Amazon Web Services and third-party resources, provision them quickly and consistently, and manage them throughout their lifecycles, by treating infrastructure as code. A CloudFormation template describes your desired resources and their dependencies so you can launch and configure them together as a stack. You can use a template to create, update, and delete an entire stack as a single unit, as often as you need to, instead of managing resources individually. You can manage and provision stacks across multiple Amazon Web Services accounts and Amazon Web Services China Regions.
Manage resource scaling by sharing CloudFormation templates to be used across your organization. To further automate resource management across your organization, you can integrate CloudFormation with other services of Amazon Web Services, including Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) for access control, Amazon Config for compliance, and Amazon Service Catalog for turnkey application distribution and additional governance controls.
Additional Information
For additional information about service controls, security features and functionalities, including, as applicable, information about storing, retrieving, modifying, restricting, and deleting data, please see https://docs.amazonaws.cn/en_us. This additional information does not form part of the Documentation for purposes of the Sinnet Customer Agreement for Amazon Web Services (Beijing Region), Western Cloud Data Customer Agreement for Amazon Web Services (Ningxia Region) or other agreement between you and Sinnet or NWCD governing your use of services of Amazon Web Services China Regions.