Choosing an Amazon FSx File System

Choosing an Amazon FSx File System

Amazon FSx lets you choose between three widely-used file systems: NetApp ONTAP, Windows File Server, and Lustre. This choice is typically based on your familiarity with a given file system or by matching the file system's feature sets, performance profiles, and data management capabilities to the requirements of your workload.

Selecting a familiar file system

When moving existing applications and workloads to Amazon Web Services, a common consideration is to choose the file system that most closely matches your current storage technology so that you can maintain application compatibility and not change how you manage your data.

Current storage technology

Recommended Amazon FSx file system

Lustre or other parallel file systems

FSx for Lustre

NetApp ONTAP or other NAS appliances

FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Microsoft Windows Server

FSx for Windows File Server

Selecting a file system based on workload requirements

Amazon FSx file systems offer feature sets, performance profiles, and data management capabilities that support a wide variety of use cases.  You can choose a file system that enables you to cost-effectively power your workload with the necessary reliability, functionality, performance, and security.


FSx for NetApp ONTAP

FSx for Windows File Server

FSx for Lustre

Performance and Scale





Max. throughput per file system

2 GB/s*

2 GB/s*

100s of GB/s

Max. throughput available to a single client accessing a file system

2 GB/s*

2 GB/s*

Up to 12 GB/s

Max. number of concurrent client connections per file system




Max. IOPS per file system

Hundreds of thousands

Hundreds of thousands


Adaptive Quality of Service controls



Maximum file system size

Virtually unlimited
(100s of PBs)

64 TiB; Extends to multiple PBs using DFS Namespaces

Virtually unlimited
(100s of PBs)

* 2 GB/s is baseline; you may see significantly higher performance due to automatic client/server caching and performance efficiencies from automatic data compression

Accessibility and Integrations

Client compatibility

Windows, Linux macOS

Windows, Linux, macOS


Protocol support

SMB 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1.1
NFS 3, 4, 4.1
iSCSI (shared block storage)

SMB 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1.1

Custom (POSIX-compliant) protocol optimized for performance

Amazon Compute

EC2 Windows, EC2 Linux, EKS Linux, ECS Windows, ECS Linux

EC2 Windows, EC2 Linux, ECS Windows

EC2 Linux, EKS Linux, ECS Linux

Automatic import/export of S3 data sets



Hybrid usage

On-premises access of FSx data

✓ Amazon Direct Connect

✓ Amazon Direct Connect, Amazon VPN

✓ Amazon Direct Connect, Amazon VPN

On-premises caching of FSx data

✓ NetApp Global File Cache, NetApp FlexCache

✓ Amazon FSx File Gateway


Backup and disaster recovery from on premises to Amazon Web Services

✓ NetApp SnapMirror



Support for compute burst to the cloud (use of FSx as an on- Amazon Web Services cache of data that resides on premises)

✓ NetApp FlexCache



Price/performance Optimization

Fast SSD storage option

Low-cost storage for cold, infrequently-accessed data

✓ Low-cost tier with cold data automatically cycled to it

✓  HDD storage option

✓ HDD storage option

Choice of throughput and IOPS levels

✓ Throughput and IOPS

✓  Throughput

✓  Throughput

User quotas

Data compression and/or compaction **


Data deduplication **


** Applies to both primary storage and backups

Availability and Data Protection

Deployment options


Single-AZ and Multi-AZ

Single-AZ - Persistent or Scratch

Availability SLA




Crash-consistent incremental backups

Inline instantaneous snapshots


Instant cloning



End-user file restore


Security and Compliance


 ✓ Amazon KMS

 ✓ Amazon KMS

  ✓ Amazon KMS


Network isolation

 ✓ Amazon VPC

 ✓ Amazon VPC

 ✓ Amazon VPC

Identity-based authentication for file system administration

✓ Amazon IAM

 ✓ Amazon IAM

✓ Amazon IAM

Active Directory support for file system access authentication and access control


File access auditing


Anti-virus scanning



Logging of API calls

 ✓ Amazon CloudTrail

 ✓ Amazon CloudTrail

✓ Amazon CloudTrail

12 Months Free

Amazon EC2

Try Amazon EC2 for free for up to 12 months, with 750 hours of two instances per month and 750 hours of free public IPv4 address