Posted On: Jan 11, 2018
Amazon EC2 simplified the Spot pricing by moving to a model which delivers low, predictable prices that adjust gradually, based on long-term trends in supply and demand. You will continue to save up to 90% off the On-Demand instances price and you will continue to pay the Spot price that's in effect at the beginning of each instance-hour for your running instance.
Spot now allows you to launch Spot instances via the RunInstances function, run-instances command or Amazon management console by simply indicating you want to use Spot. Unlike the old model which required an understanding of Spot markets, bidding and calls to a standalone asynchronous API, the new model is synchronous and as easy to use as On-Demand. To launch a Spot instance from the command line, simply specify the Spot for InstanceMarketOption in the call to run-instances command and you will receive an instance ID immediately if the capacity is fulfilled.
You now have the option to request Spot instances without a bid price. Applications that use Spot and currently submit a bid price will continue to work as is, with no changes.
All these new features are now available in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet . You can start using it today using the SDK, CLI or Amazon Web Services console.
To learn about how Spot instances work, visit here.