Posted On: Nov 25, 2019

Amazon IoT Greengrass seamlessly extends Amazon Web Services to edge devices so they can act locally on the data they generate, while still using the cloud for management, analytics, and durable storage. Starting today, Amazon Web Services developers can collect, process, and export data streams, and manage the life cycle of data streams locally on devices.

Stream Manager for Amazon IoT Greengrass: You can use Amazon IoT Greengrass to collect, process, and export data streams from IoT devices and manage the life cycle of that data on the device to minimize development time. Amazon IoT Greengrass provides a standard mechanism to process data streams, manage local data-retention policies, and stream device data directly into Amazon Web Services cloud services such as Amazon Kinesis and Amazon IoT Analytics. In addition, Amazon IoT Greengrass enables local processing during intermittent connectivity and provides configurable prioritization, bandwidth utilization, and time-outs to control the export behavior to the cloud.

See our product page to learn more about Amazon IoT Greengrass.