Posted On: Mar 11, 2020
Amazon CloudFormation Drift Detection and Resource Import are now available in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD.
CloudFormation allows you to model and provision cloud resources as code in a safe, predictable, and consistent manner. With Drift Detection enabled, you are able to detect if configuration changes were made to your stack outside of CloudFormation via the Amazon Web Services Management Console, CLI, and SDKs. Drift is the difference between the expected configuration values of stack resources defined in CloudFormation templates and the actual configuration values of these resources in the corresponding CloudFormation stacks. This allows you to better manage your CloudFormation stacks and ensure consistency in your resource configurations.
Resource Import allows you to bring existing Amazon Web Services application resources into CloudFormation. With Resource Import, you can start managing existing resources such as Amazon S3 Buckets or DynamoDB Tables with all the benefits of CloudFormation, regardless of how they were created or managed previously.
For CloudFormation Drift Detection and Resource Import region availability, refer to the Amazon Web Services Region Table.