Posted On: Jan 7, 2020
The Amazon Deep Learning AMIs are available on Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Amazon Linux 2, and Amazon Linux with TensorFlow 1.15, Tensorflow 2.0, PyTorch 1.3.1, MXNet 1.6.0-rc0.
Amazon Deep Learning AMIs also support other interfaces such as Keras, Chainer, and Gluon — pre-installed and fully-configured for you to start developing your deep learning models in minutes while taking advantage of the computation power and flexibility of Amazon EC2 instances. When you activate a Conda environment, the Deep Learning AMIs automatically deploy higher-performance builds of frameworks, optimized for the EC2 instance of your choice.
Get started quickly with the Amazon Deep Learning AMIs using the getting-started guides and beginner to advanced level tutorials in our developer guide. All of the versions are available in the Beijing and Ningxia regions now.