Posted On: Aug 25, 2021
Following a preview phase in which we analyzed and incorporated customer feedback, we have completed the new Amazon DynamoDB console, making it even easier for you to manage your data and resources. In addition to a refreshed design, the new pages provide you with additional contextual information about database resources and DynamoDB features throughout the console. The new navigation makes it simpler for you to complete your tasks by guiding you through the different steps, and by focusing your work around the relevant features. The new console also gives you access to the latest DynamoDB features.
You now can check the health of all your database resources at a glance, including DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) clusters. Using the new console, you also can directly access your table items in the navigation pane and manage them by using the new interface. You can access the new PartiQL editor to query, insert, update, and delete your table data by using a SQL-compatible query language. Export your table data to your data lake in Amazon S3 and keep track of you export jobs from the last 90 days.
The new DynamoDB console is the default experience in the Amazon China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and the Amazon China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. For more information about the new console, see the DynamoDB documentation, or sign in to the DynamoDB console to get started.