Posted On: Dec 11, 2022
We are pleased to announce that as of today, customers in Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD, and in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet will see additional details in Amazon Cost Anomaly Detection’s console, alerting emails, and SNS topics posted to Slack and Chime. Amazon Cost Anomaly Detection is a cost management service that leverages advanced machine learning to identify anomalous spend and root causes, so customers can quickly take action to avoid runaway spend and bill shocks. With this launch, customer can spend less effort trying to understand what account and monitor is tied to a cost anomaly, which in turn helps them take necessary actions more quickly.
Customers will see account name, monitor name, and monitor type included in alert emails, the console, and notifications sent via SNS to Slack or Chime. In addition, start date, last detected date, and duration of an anomaly have been added to all email alerts. This is both to help customers understand the anomaly details and also map it back to information already found in the cost anomaly details page.
You can see the improved reporting by using the Amazon Cost Anomaly Detection console or programmatically via the public APIs at no additional cost. To learn more and get started, visit the Amazon Cost Anomaly documentation.