Posted On: Jan 8, 2023

Today, Amazon Backup is announcing application-aware data protection that enables you to add Amazon CloudFormation stacks to backup policies, making it easier for you to back up and restore your entire applications. Amazon Backup automates the data protection of applications that are defined using Amazon CloudFormation stacks to create immutable application-level backups using Amazon Backup Vault Lock.

Get started with application-aware data protection for applications defined using Amazon CloudFormation using the Amazon Backup console, API, or CLI. Automate the data protection of applications by creating backup policies and assigning Amazon CloudFormation stacks using tags or Resources IDs. Now, all supported services in Amazon Web Services China Regions belonging to an application stack can be protected by Amazon Backup so that an entire application has a single recovery point objective (RPO), simplifying and expediting application recovery during disasters and malicious incidents.

Application-aware data protection for applications defined using Amazon CloudFormation stacks is available in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. To learn more about Amazon Backup application-aware data protection, visit the Amazon Backup product page and documentation.