Posted On: Feb 27, 2025

Amazon Web Services Marketplace China now enables Daily Disbursement to sellers. This allows sellers to set disbursement preferences to receive their outstanding balances on a daily basis, granting increased flexibility. Currently, MPCN sellers can only set regular disbursement frequency as monthly with the disbursements happening on 7th of every month. This limitation sometimes prevented MPCN sellers to align the disbursement frequency with their internal account processes. Monthly disbursements also introduced delays in the disbursement cycle. In the worst case scenario, a seller may have to wait for 30 days for a disbursement on a collected invoice.  

With this feature, MPCN sellers, including independent software vendors (ISVs) and Channel Partners, can select daily or monthly disbursement options, and if monthly, further choose which day of the month to receive monthly disbursements, and self-serve to change their disbursement preference via the Amazon Web Services Marketplace China Management Portal (AMMP) at any time. In addition, with daily disbursement frequency, MPCN sellers also can improve the following: accounts receivable collections, cash flow cycles, and sales compensation cycles for their own businesses.

To learn more, please visit the Amazon Web Services Marketplace China Seller Guide.