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Amazon RDS Proxy Pricing

RDS Proxy

Amazon RDS Proxy is priced based on the capacity of underlying instances. For provisioned instances on Amazon Aurora, RDS for MariaDB, RDS for MySQL, and RDS for PostgreSQL, RDS Proxy is priced per vCPU per hour. For Aurora Serverless v2, RDS Proxy is priced per Aurora Capacity Unit (ACU) per hour consumed by your database.

China (Ningxia) Region

  Price Minimum Charge
Aurora Serverless v2 ¥ 0.123 per ACU-hour 8 ACUs
Provisioned instances ¥ 0.156 per vCPU-hour 2 vCPUs

China (Beijing) Region

  Price Minimum Charge
Aurora Serverless v2 ¥ 0.109 per ACU-hour 8 ACUs
Provisioned instances ¥ 0.145 per vCPU-hour 2 vCPUs

Partial hours are billed in one-second increments with a 10-minute minimum charge following a billable status change such as creating, starting, or modifying.


There are no additional charges associated with the default endpoint you get when you create an Amazon RDS Proxy. You can also add read-only or read-write proxy endpoints, each with their own VPC settings. Adding an Amazon RDS Proxy endpoint provisions an Amazon PrivateLink interface endpoint, which incurs additional charges as described on the PrivateLink pricing page.

Pricing examples

Example 1: Aurora cluster with a db.r5.large writer and db.r5.large reader instance in the China (Ningxia) Region

RDS Proxy pricing correlates to the number of vCPUs for each database instance in your Aurora cluster. For example, consider an Aurora cluster that has a db.r5.large writer instance (2 vCPUs) and a db.r5.large reader instance (2 vCPUs). In that case, for the proxy you will be charged ¥0.312 per hour (¥0.156 per vCPU-hour x 2 vCPUs) for the writer instance, and ¥0.312 per hour (¥0.156 per vCPU-hour x 2 vCPUs) for the reader instance.

For a 30-day month, your bill would show 2,880 vCPU-hours (4 vCPU x 24 hours x 30 days):

¥0.156 per RDS Proxy per vCPU-hour 2,880 Hrs. ¥449.28

Example 2: Aurora cluster with a Serverless v2 instance in the China (Ningxia) Region

RDS Proxy pricing correlates to the ACUs consumed by each underlying Aurora Serverless v2 instance. For example, consider an Aurora cluster with an Aurora Serverless v2 instance that on average consumes 10 ACUs in an hour. In that case, for the proxy, you will be charged ¥1.23 per ACU hour (¥0.123 per ACU-hour x 10 ACUs).

For a 30-day month, your bill would show 7,200 ACU-hours (10 ACU x 24 hours x 30 days):

¥0.123 per RDS Proxy per ACU-hour 7,200 Hrs. ¥885.60

Example 3: Single-AZ or Multi-AZ RDS for MySQL instance in the China (Ningxia) Region

RDS Proxy pricing correlates to the number of vCPUs of the underlying database instance for which it is enabled. For example, if you are running a single-AZ or multi-AZ RDS MySQL m5.large database instance that has 2 vCPUs and you have enabled the proxy, you will be charged ¥0.312 per hour (¥0.156 per vCPU-hour x 2 vCPUs).

For a 30-day month your bill would show 1,440 vCPU-hours (2 vCPU x 24 hours x 30 days):

¥0.156 per RDS Proxy per vCPU-hour 1,440 Hrs. ¥224.64