Amazon Redshift resources

What's new with Amazon Redshift

Read our What's New posts to learn about recent features and announcements for Amazon Redshift and Redshift Spectrum.


Getting started guide

Introduces you to Amazon Redshift, helps you set up an account, and walks you through a simple example to use Amazon Redshift for the first time. Also provides tips and links to advanced product features and resources.

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Database developer guide

Explains how to design, build, query, and maintain the databases that make up your data warehouse. It also includes syntax for Amazon Redshift SQL commands and functions.

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Cluster management guide

Shows you how to create and manage Amazon Redshift clusters.

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1010 0766
Beijing Region
Operated By Sinnet
1010 0966
Ningxia Region
Operated By NWCD
Beijing Region
Operated By Sinnet
Ningxia Region
Operated By NWCD