Amazon Service Catalog

Create, organize, and govern your curated catalog of Amazon Web Services products

Service Catalog Free Tier includes 1,000 API calls per month.

Amazon Web Services China Region • Always Free

Amazon Service Catalog allows organizations to create and manage catalogs of IT services that are approved for use on Amazon Web Services. These IT services can include everything from virtual machine images, servers, software, and databases to complete multi-tier application architectures. Amazon Service Catalog allows you to centrally manage deployed IT services and your applications, resources, and metadata. This helps you achieve consistent governance and meet your compliance requirements, while enabling users to quickly deploy only the approved IT services they need.


Ensure compliance with corporate standards

Amazon Service Catalog provides a single location where organizations can centrally manage catalogs of IT services. With Amazon Service Catalog you can control which IT services and versions are available, what is configured in each of the available service, and who gets permission access by individual, group, department or cost center.

Help employees quickly find and deploy approved IT services

With Amazon Service Catalog, you define your own catalog of services and Amazon Web Services Marketplace software, and make them available for your organization. Then, end users can quickly discover and deploy IT services using a self-service portal.

Centrally manage IT service lifecycle

Amazon Service Catalog enables you to add new versions of IT services, and end users are notified so they can keep abreast of the latest updates. With Amazon Service Catalog you can control the use of IT services by specifying constraints, such as limiting the Amazon Web Services regions in which a product can be launched.

Read the documentation
Read the getting started guide

Follow our getting started guide to create and manage your catalog of IT services.

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Instantly get access to the Amazon Web Services Free Tier. 

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Start building with Service Catalog in the console
Start building in the console

Start building with Amazon Service Catalog in the console.

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