Billing & Payment

How to check billing information of your Amazon Web Services China account?

This video shows you how to view the basic billing information of your Amazon Cloud Technology China account. For example, overdue bills, bills that have been paid, monthly bills in each area, bill payment status, and how to download PDF bills, etc.

How to add and activate tags on EC2 instance?

This video introduces users how to add tags to an EC2 instance when and after creating an EC2 instance, and how to activate it after adding the tag.
If you have more questions about this, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to control RI discount sharing in Organizations?

This video introduces you how to control the sharing of reserved instance discounts between accounts in China, the method of setting and the precautions.
If you have more questions about this, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us. 

How to check credit of your Amazon Web Services account?

This video introduces you how to check the detailed information of the voucher in the account in China and check the voucher's deduction record through the bill.
If you have more questions about the vouchers, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How does payer account manage credit share in organization?

This video introduces you how to disable/enable the sharing of coupons for payment accounts in China and the deduction logic of coupons for payment accounts after sharing is enabled in the organization.
If you have more questions about the vouchers, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

The deduction logic of credit in organization (I)

This video introduces you to the logic of deducting bills with deductible coupons when a member account with coupons joins or leaves the organization in the middle of the month.
If you have more questions about the voucher, please open a case in the "Support Center"to contanct us.

The deduction logic of credit in organization (II)

This video introduces you to the application order of multiple vouchers in organizations with multiple vouchers.
If you have more questions about the vouchers, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to change the billing address?

This video introduces you to the billing address on the China account PDF bill, the billing address on the payment method page, the invoice mailing address, and the method of modifying the invoice tax address.
If you have more questions about this, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to create a usage budget?

This video shows you how to create a usage budget and the meaning of each part of the parameters when creating a usage budget.
If you have any questions about creating a usage budget, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

Use Amazon Compute Optimizer to reduce costs and improve performance

This video introduces you to the Amazon Compute Optimizer service, which will recommend the best Amazon cloud technology resources to reduce costs and improve workload performance.

How to understand support fee?

This video introduces you to the charging logic of the China account support plan and its display on the billing page.
If you have any questions about the support plan fees in your account, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to create a Budget report?

This video shows you how to create a budget report and the meaning of each part of the parameters when creating a budget report.
If you have any questions about creating a budget report, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to Delete EBS snapshot and release EIP?

This video shows you how to delete NAT gateways, EBS volume snapshots, elastic load balancers, and release elastic IPs in your account to stop unnecessary charges in your account.
If you have any questions about deleting resources, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to understand EC2 billing details?

This video introduces you to the meaning of the detailed EC2 bill entries in the China account billing control panel.
If you have any questions about billing or billing, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to understand Data Transfer billing details?

This video introduces you to the meaning of the detailed data transfer bill entries in the China account billing control panel.
If you have any questions about billing or billing, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to Delete RDS instance?

This video shows you how to delete RDS instances and related resources in your account to stop unnecessary charges in your account.
If you have any questions about deleting resources, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to understand ELB billing details?

This video introduces you to the meaning of the detailed Elastic Load Balancing bill entries in the China account billing control panel.
If you have any questions about billing or billing, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to understand RDS billing details?

This video introduces you to the meaning of the detailed RDS bill entries in the China account billing control panel.
If you have any questions about billing or billing, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to understand ElastiCache billing details?

This video introduces you to the application order of multiple vouchers in organizations with multiple vouchers.
If you have more questions about the vouchers, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

How to delete S3 and CloudWatch resources?

This video introduces you to the billing address on the China account PDF bill, the billing address on the payment method page, the invoice mailing address, and the method of modifying the invoice tax address.
If you have more questions about this, please open a case in the "Support Center" to contact us.

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