Amazon WorkSpaces Pricing

With Amazon WorkSpaces, you pay only for what you use. You are charged based on the bundle type and the number of Amazon WorkSpaces you launch. There is no up-front commitment, and you can remove WorkSpaces at any time.

Monthly and Hourly Billing Options

Amazon WorkSpaces provides the flexibility to pay monthly or hourly. The charges for the Service apply on a monthly basis. With monthly billing, you pay a fixed monthly fee for unlimited usage during the month, which is best for workers who use their Amazon WorkSpace full-time or as their primary desktop. If a WorkSpace is launched after the first calendar day of a month, then the monthly price for that WorkSpace will be adjusted on a pro rata basis from the first day it was active to the end of that month. If a WorkSpace is terminated before the end of a month, then the monthly charge will still apply.

With hourly billing you pay a small fixed monthly fee per WorkSpace to cover infrastructure costs and storage, and a low hourly rate for each hour the WorkSpace is used during the month. Hourly billing works best when Amazon WorkSpaces are used, on average, for less than a full working day or for just a few days a month, making it ideal for part-time workers, job sharing, road warriors, short-term projects, corporate training, and education.

You can mix monthly and hourly billing within your Amazon Web Services account, and you can also switch between billing options at any time during a billing period to optimize your Amazon Web Services bill.

Ningxia Monthly Pricing

  • Linux Bundle Options
  • Value Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory 80 GB 10 GB ¥248.99 ¥63.64 + ¥2.55/hour
    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory 80 GB 50 GB ¥284.56 ¥90.33 + ¥2.55/hour
    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory 80 GB 100 GB ¥305.88 ¥121.98 + ¥2.55/hour
    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory 175 GB 100 GB ¥348.61 ¥169.52 + ¥2.55/hour
    Standard Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory 80 GB 10 GB ¥341.45 ¥63.64 + ¥3.58/hour
    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory 80 GB 50 GB ¥355.70 ¥90.33 + ¥3.58/hour
    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory 80 GB 100 GB ¥384.18 ¥121.98 + ¥3.58/hour
    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory 175 GB 100 GB ¥426.84 ¥169.52 + ¥3.58/hour
    Performance Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory 80 GB 10 GB ¥540.63 ¥63.64 + ¥6.19/hour
    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory 80 GB 50 GB ¥562.03 ¥90.33 + ¥6.19/hour
    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory 80 GB 100 GB ¥590.44 ¥121.98 + ¥6.19/hour
    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory 175 GB 100 GB ¥647.34 ¥169.52 + ¥6.19/hour
    Power Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory 80 GB 10 GB ¥832.34 ¥63.64 + ¥9.56/hour
    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory 80 GB 50 GB ¥846.58 ¥90.33 + ¥9.56/hour
    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory 80 GB 100 GB ¥860.76 ¥121.98 + ¥9.56/hour
    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory 175 GB 100 GB ¥889.24 ¥169.52 + ¥9.56/hour
    PowerPro Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory 80 GB 10 GB ¥1223.61 ¥63.64 + ¥14.72/hour
    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory 80 GB 50 GB ¥1252.02 ¥90.33 + ¥14.72/hour
    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory 80 GB 100 GB ¥1280.51 ¥121.98 + ¥14.72/hour
    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory 175 GB 100 GB ¥1330.32 ¥169.52 + ¥14.72/hour
  • Windows Bundle Options
  • Value

    Root Volume

    User Volume

    Monthly Pricing

    Hourly Pricing

    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory

    80 GB

    10 GB


    ¥63.64 + ¥2.89/hour

    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory

    80 GB

    50 GB


    ¥90.33 + ¥2.89/hour

    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory

    80 GB

    100 GB


    ¥121.98 + ¥2.89/hour

    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory

    175 GB

    100 GB


    ¥169.52 + ¥2.89/hour







    Root Volume

    User Volume

    Monthly Pricing

    Hourly Pricing

    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory

    80 GB

    10 GB


    ¥63.64 + ¥3.92/hour

    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory

    80 GB

    50 GB


    ¥90.33 + ¥3.92/hour

    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory

    80 GB

    100 GB


    ¥121.98 + ¥3.92/hour

    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory

    175 GB

    100 GB


    ¥169.52 + ¥3.92/hour







    Root Volume

    User Volume

    Monthly Pricing

    Hourly Pricing

    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory

    80 GB

    10 GB


    ¥63.64 + ¥6.54/hour

    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory

    80 GB

    50 GB


    ¥90.33 + ¥6.54/hour

    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory

    80 GB

    100 GB


    ¥121.98 + ¥6.54/hour

    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory

    175 GB

    100 GB


    ¥169.52 + ¥6.54/hour







    Root Volume

    User Volume

    Monthly Pricing

    Hourly Pricing

    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory

    80 GB

    10 GB


    ¥63.64 + ¥9.91/hour

    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory

    80 GB

    50 GB


    ¥90.33 + ¥9.91/hour

    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory

    80 GB

    100 GB


    ¥121.98 + ¥9.91/hour

    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory

    175 GB

    100 GB


    ¥169.52 + ¥9.91/hour







    Root Volume

    User Volume

    Monthly Pricing

    Hourly Pricing

    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory

    80 GB

    10 GB


    ¥63.64 + ¥15.07/hour

    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory

    80 GB

    50 GB


    ¥90.33 + ¥15.07/hour

    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory

    80 GB

    100 GB


    ¥121.98 + ¥15.07/hour

    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory

    175 GB

    100 GB


    ¥169.52 + ¥15.07/hour


    Graphics G4dn

    Root Volume

    User Volume

    Monthly Pricing

    Hourly Pricing


    4 vCPU, 16GiB memory,1GPU, 16 GiB video memory, 125 GB local instance store






    16 vCPU, 64GiB memory,1GPU, 16 GiB video memory, 225 GB local instance store





  • Windows Bundle Options - Bring Your Own License (BYOL) *
  • Value Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory 80 GB 10 GB ¥248.99 ¥63.64 + ¥2.55/hour
    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory 80 GB 50 GB ¥284.56 ¥90.33 + ¥2.55/hour
    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory 80 GB 100 GB ¥305.88 ¥121.98 + ¥2.55/hour
    1 vCPU,2 GB Memory 175 GB 100 GB ¥348.61 ¥169.52 + ¥2.55/hour
    Standard Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory 80 GB 10 GB ¥341.45 ¥63.64 + ¥3.58/hour
    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory 80 GB 50 GB ¥355.70 ¥90.33 + ¥3.58/hour
    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory 80 GB 100 GB ¥384.18 ¥121.98 + ¥3.58/hour
    2 vCPU,4 GB Memory 175 GB 100 GB ¥426.84 ¥169.52 + ¥3.58/hour
    Performance Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory 80 GB 10 GB ¥540.63 ¥63.64 + ¥6.19/hour
    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory 80 GB 50 GB ¥562.03 ¥90.33 + ¥6.19/hour
    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory 80 GB 100 GB ¥590.44 ¥121.98 + ¥6.19/hour
    2 vCPU,8 GB Memory 175 GB 100 GB ¥647.34 ¥169.52 + ¥6.19/hour
    Power Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory 80 GB 10 GB ¥832.34 ¥63.64 + ¥9.56/hour
    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory 80 GB 50 GB ¥846.58 ¥90.33 + ¥9.56/hour
    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory 80 GB 100 GB ¥860.76 ¥121.98 + ¥9.56/hour
    4 vCPU,16 GB Memory 175 GB 100 GB ¥889.24 ¥169.52 + ¥9.56/hour
    PowerPro Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory 80 GB 10 GB ¥1223.61 ¥63.64 + ¥14.72/hour
    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory 80 GB 50 GB ¥1252.02 ¥90.33 + ¥14.72/hour
    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory 80 GB 100 GB ¥1280.51 ¥121.98 + ¥14.72/hour
    8 vCPU,32 GB Memory 175 GB 100 GB ¥1330.32 ¥169.52 + ¥14.72/hour


    Graphics G4dn

    Root Volume

    User Volume

    Monthly Pricing

    Hourly Pricing


    4 vCPU, 16GiB memory,1GPU, 16 GiB video memory, 125 GB local instance store






    16 vCPU, 64GiB memory,1GPU, 16 GiB video memory, 225 GB local instance store





Ningxia Optional SKU Pricing

Storage - Monthly
Additional Storage ¥ 0.83 /GB
Application Bundles - Monthly
Default applications bundle - Utilities (Internet Explorer 11, Firefox) No additional charge
32-bit Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus, Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Services, and Utilities (Internet Explorer 11, Firefox) Additional ¥ 103.2 per month
64-bit Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus, and Utilities (Internet Explorer 11, Firefox) Additional ¥ 101.48 per month
Microsoft Office for BYOL WorkSpaces bundle - Microsoft Office Professional Additional ¥ 101.48 per month
64-bit Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 (LTSC) Additional ¥ 147.87 per month
64-bit Microsoft Visio Professional 2021 (LTSC) Additional ¥ 133.52 per month
64-bit Microsoft Project Professional 2021 Additional ¥ 262.27 per month
64-bit Microsoft Office Standard 2021 (LTSC) Additional ¥ 108.33 per month
64-bit Microsoft Visio Standard 2021 (LTSC) Additional ¥ 60.51 per month
64-bit Microsoft Project Standard 2021 Additional ¥ 156.15 per month
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022  Additional ¥ 2098.64 per month
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022  Additional ¥ 334.72 per month


  • Monthly fees are prorated for first month only; in subsequent months, monthly fees are incurred for the full month.
  • Hourly billing consists of an hourly rate charged while your Amazon WorkSpaces are running, and a monthly fee for fixed infrastructure costs. With hourly billing, Amazon WorkSpaces that are not being used automatically stop after a specified period of inactivity, and hourly charges are suspended.
  • The use of Amazon Directory Services for Microsoft AD is not included. Details about Amazon Directory Services pricing can be found here.
For more information, please see the Amazon WorkSpaces FAQs.

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